Origen Air’s founders attended in person and presented The Pinnacle™ to women-owned businesses, corporate and government procurement professionals, and those championing supplier diversity at the 2022 Women Business Enterprise (WBE) National Conference.
Susan and Andrew met outstanding female leaders running sustainable and diverse companies like Katrina German and Sandra Herriot of Ethical Digital (pictured below) and large corporate buyers truly dedicated to championing diverse procurement
We may not have won the Rising Star Award, but we absolutely loved meeting the team from Ethical Swag Inc., a Certified B Corp nominated alongside us and the women from Swoon who took home the prize – Tatyanna Sarjeant, Malerie Diamante, and Emily Aziz – CONGRATS!!
To Women-led and Diverse-suppliers across Canada… keep on pushing diverse procurement – let’s move the needle from 2% to 50% procurement from diverse-led companies.
Susan Blanchet