Origen Air joins 2022 angels for climate solutions startup cohort

Angels for Climate Solutions is an education and training program to connect startups and angel investors with industry expertise. It is designed to catalyze the growth of climate solutions and foster innovation to meet our climate goals and deliver the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

From December to February, Origen Air participated in a six-week preparatory program to get ready to deliver a pitch and complete due diligence with the investor cohort.

By the end of the preliminary pitch sessions, the investors will choose five finalists to advance to the next stage for an opportunity to win a minimum of $100,000 investment for their climate solution.

The 2022 Angels for Climate Solutions cohort includes startups addressing diverse climate technologies such as smart water, clean transportation, novel substances in design work, improved data management and efficiency, and healthy buildings.

Origen Air’s Climate Solution for healthy buildings

Origen Air is a cleantech company focused on creating healthier indoor spaces through clean air. We are the only company in the world utilizing specially designed plants to remove man-made toxins that regular plants are unable to remove.

Our air purifiers incorporate a unique combination of genetically engineered plants and mechanical technology to remove air pollutants such as VOCs, PM2.5, viruses, bacteria, and CO2 from indoor spaces. Additionally, our units have embedded Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) sensors that keep track of IAQ parameters, including temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels.

By delivering clean air with IAQ data reporting, Origen Air is creating a comprehensive solution for building owners and occupiers to protect their most valuable assets: staff, customers, and the air they breathe.

Contact us anytime if you are curious about our technology, service, or need help purchasing The Pinnacle™ air purifier.

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